Friday, August 31, 2012

FREE BOOKS if you live near(ish) me

If you like good coffee and you’re an imperfect parent and you live in Pretoria then this Celebrating Life giveaway is for you.

I’d love you to have a copy of the best parenting book I’ve read.

And I’ve read some. The problem with most of them is that they leave me feeling confused or condemned. As in, wooden spoon? No wooden spoon? Or like: What?! You mean you actually used a wooden spoon?

Jaci Mun-Gavin is a friend of a friend. We haven’t met but we’ve chatted briefly on facebook. She’s a qualified robotics engineer and fulltime mom to her six kids. (Yip. Six.)  So, she’s pretty awesome. So is her blog.

Purposeful Parenting is Jaci’s first book. I recently devoured it. It’s like having coffee and a conversation. She (quickly) covers the crucial theory then plunges into practicalities. She is real about the overwhelming challenges of parenting. She is also real about how incredibly God has equipped us. She offers hope and humour, comfort and conviction, encouragement and inspiration. You’ll find yourself affirmed, as in, ‘Cool! I thought I was the only one insisting my kids do that!’ And enthused, as in, ‘What a brilliant idea! Why didn’t we think of that?’

So, go to Bayleaf in Cliffendale Drive. Sit. Relax. Have a cappuccino. Ask for a copy of Purposeful Parenting and it’s yours for free. (Just the book. Not the coffee.) There are 15 copies available. If stocks run dry (or if you’re reading this on another continent), have a cappuccino anyway and get busy ordering it here or here (Kindle).

FYI – there’s nothing in it for me. There’s definitely something in it for you. All I ask is that you pay it forward. Read it then give it to anyone with kids under the age of 10. You’ll be doing the human race a favour.



  1. Wow, Dalene, thank you! I will pray for much fruitfulness for God's message and encouragement. I feel quite teary! :)

  2. Wonderful, thank you for your graciousness and support of my incredible sister, Jaci!

  3. Awesome!
    Just excited to be part of what God is doing... :)
    Much love,
