We spent a couple of days on the Letamo game estate (Scotty’s first little holiday) with Marc, Rebecca, Abigail and Josephine and had a fab time. Abi and Cam were thick as thieves – so cute!
When we went to the zoo a while back, we were all quite bleak because Cam couldn’t see much and he kept asking if he could go closer to the animals or touch them. My mom came up with the brilliant idea of using his little TV, connected to a video camera, to show him faraway things. Gavin and my dad set this up for us, and we took the TV and camera along on a game drive in Letamo. Up to now game drives with Cam have just depressed us – there’s been no point; because while he can enjoy the wind in his face and the calls of the wild, the rest is lost on him. With one of us filming, Cam got to see hippos, kudu and birds close up on his little screen. It was a real victory – there’s so much potential with this kind of thing for him to enjoy what fully sighted people can enjoy – and yet paradoxically the whole thing made me quite sad. Abi could just look out the windows...
Also, while he already knows, I think, that he can’t see well, I have had the sense for a while now that the time is drawing near when he will realise that other people can – that he is different. My fervent prayer is that God would prepare his heart for that day, that He would choose the day and hour of that realisation. I pray that He would cushion him with grace – that he wouldn’t be alone on a playground when the understanding comes, or lying awake alone in the dark, but that Murray and I could be there to love him through it and that the realisation would be a cause for him to know the deep peace and everlasting love of God.
We’ve had some good laughs this week, too. Murray took Cam to the loo and congratulated him enthusiastically, ‘Wow, you made such a big wee!’ Cam replied matter-of-factly, ‘No, that was a medium-sized wee.’ :) He is also totally into fantasy play - he is forever lining things up in neat rows, and making imaginary cups of tea for everyone he knows...
Scott has slept through every night this week – yay! He is getting cuter by the second and we are enjoying him so much.
‘O LORD, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; for You have worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness.’ – Isaiah 25:1
When we went to the zoo a while back, we were all quite bleak because Cam couldn’t see much and he kept asking if he could go closer to the animals or touch them. My mom came up with the brilliant idea of using his little TV, connected to a video camera, to show him faraway things. Gavin and my dad set this up for us, and we took the TV and camera along on a game drive in Letamo. Up to now game drives with Cam have just depressed us – there’s been no point; because while he can enjoy the wind in his face and the calls of the wild, the rest is lost on him. With one of us filming, Cam got to see hippos, kudu and birds close up on his little screen. It was a real victory – there’s so much potential with this kind of thing for him to enjoy what fully sighted people can enjoy – and yet paradoxically the whole thing made me quite sad. Abi could just look out the windows...
Also, while he already knows, I think, that he can’t see well, I have had the sense for a while now that the time is drawing near when he will realise that other people can – that he is different. My fervent prayer is that God would prepare his heart for that day, that He would choose the day and hour of that realisation. I pray that He would cushion him with grace – that he wouldn’t be alone on a playground when the understanding comes, or lying awake alone in the dark, but that Murray and I could be there to love him through it and that the realisation would be a cause for him to know the deep peace and everlasting love of God.
We’ve had some good laughs this week, too. Murray took Cam to the loo and congratulated him enthusiastically, ‘Wow, you made such a big wee!’ Cam replied matter-of-factly, ‘No, that was a medium-sized wee.’ :) He is also totally into fantasy play - he is forever lining things up in neat rows, and making imaginary cups of tea for everyone he knows...
Scott has slept through every night this week – yay! He is getting cuter by the second and we are enjoying him so much.
‘O LORD, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; for You have worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness.’ – Isaiah 25:1